the Puerto Vallarta DAILY CALENDAR
May 30 to June 6, 2010
Updated June 4, 9 am
The Puerto Vallarta Daily Schedule of Events is continually updated. Last-minute additions and corrections are frequent. Click on most listings for more information about individual events.
Puerto Vallarta is now, and will continue to be until November, in its “low” season. The foreign tourists are gone and the town silently settles back into being Mexico instead of a Mexican Beach version of Disneyland.
- RESTAURANT WEEK — Special meals and prices at selected Puerto Vallarta Restaurants.Final Day.
- ORGULLO POR JALISCO — Traditional Dances by Grupo Folclórico Vallarta Azteca, noon, Teatro Vallarta, 150/250 pesos.
- BOOK SIGNING — noon to 3 pm, on the beach in front of Daiquiri Dick’s, 3 local authors – Doug Danielson, Robert Hardin and Bob Lamb will be signing their books.
- BOOK SIGNING — Paris, Moi and the Gang: A Memoir of Sorts by Fran Gendlin and Lilacs for Carrie-A Love Story by Judith St. Gaudens, at Uncommon Grounds (Chill Out Lounge), 625 Lazaro Cardenas, from 3 to 5 pm.
- CONCERT — Municipal Band, 6 pm, Presidencia Square, FREE
- MONOLOGOS DE LA VAGINA — The Vagina Monologues (in Spanish), 6 and 8 pm performances, Teatro Vallarta, 400/500 pesos.
- DANCE — the Sunday Evening Dance, 7 pm, Presidencia Square, FREE
- THE MALECÓN — When the sun goes down, the Malecón comes alive.
- DIA de la MARINA, NAVY DAY — Head down to the Malecon in the morning to watch the flotilla lay a wreath for the sailors lost at sea. Celebration also in Yelapa.
- BAR FRIDA 9th ANNIVERSARY — 9 pm, Party
- MOVIE NIGHT — PHILADELPHIA, 7:30 pm, GLBT Center, Constitución 427, Free
- OPERA, JALISCO STATE CHORUS — 8 pm, Opera and Mexican Music related to the Bicentennial Celebration, Cinemark Theater at Plaza Caracol, Free
- KARAOKE — Cafe Roma, 6-9pm, no cover
- FILM — Mamma Mia, 9 pm, Cuale Cultural Center, Free
- MUSIC — Municipal Band, 6 pm, Presidencia Square, FREE
- THEATER — Por ellas las botellas y por sus hermanas las botanas, 7 pm, Cuale Cultural Center, 50 pesos
- FESTIVAL OF THE WIND 2010 — Kiteboard races and entertainment, Bucerias, all day
- KARAOKE — Cafe Roma, 6-9 pm, no cover
- ART GALLERY OPENING — a cos de la letras, 8 pm, The Genius of Paco Gallery, 512 Carranza, Colonia Emiliano Zapata, 222-8168
- LIVE MUSIC — Jorge Aguilera and his band, 9:30 to 11:30 pm, O’Rourke’s Pub, Olas Altas 485, No cover.
- FESTIVAL OF THE WIND 2010 — Kiteboard races and entertainment, Bucerias, all day
- VALLARTA FARMERS’ MARKET — 10 am to 1 pm, at the Paradise Community Center, Pulpito #127, Old Town.
- DOGS & CATS — Pet Adoptions, Los Mangos Library, 10 am to 2 pm
- LITERARY — Vallarta Writers’ Group Meeting, 10:30 am, at IFC
- OUR VALLARTA EXPAT GATHERING — 6 pm, Casa Isabel. All Welcome.
- INTERCOLEGIAL DE BAILE 2010 — 6 – 10:30 pm, Plaza Caracol parking lot, many schools in a major dance competition, Free
- ENVIRONMENTAL WALK/BIKE RIDE — 6 pm, Park Hidalgo to Los Arcos Amphitheater.
- THEATER — Por ellas las botellas y por sus hermanas las botanas, 7 pm, Cuale Cultural Center, 50 pesos
- ENVIRONMENTAL FAIR — 7 pm Los Arcos Amphitheater, ceremonies and entertainment. Free
- FESTIVAL OF THE WIND 2010 — Kiteboard races and entertainment, Bucerias, all day
- ORCHID CONSERVATORY GROUND BREAKING CEREMONY — 1 pm, Vallarta Botanical Gardens, this conservatory will house the largest collection of Mexican native orchids in the country. 50 pesos admission to the gardens unless you are a member.
- CONCERT — Municipal Band, 6 pm, Presidencia Square, FREE
- DANCE — the Sunday Evening Dance, 7 pm, Presidencia Square, FREE
- THE MALECÓN — When the sun goes down, the Malecón comes alive.
If you have an event that you would like to see listed here, please email events (at) The Listings are Free.
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