Everyone here in Puerto Vallarta eats 12 grapes during the 12 strokes of the midnight bells….
This is an old Spanish tradition dating back to 1909. In December of that year, some Alicantese vine growers came up with the idea to better sell huge amounts of grapes left over from an excellent harvest.
The tradition consists of eating a grape with each bell strike at midnight at New Years, December 31. If you’re a fast thinker, a wish may be made with each grape.
According to the tradition, eating these grapes leads to a year of prosperity and people always need hope at celebrations, especially one marking the end of one era, however ephemeral, and the beginning of another.
Typically, grocery stores double the price of uvas the week before New Years.
Those who want to find love in the new year wear red underwear. Those who want money wear yellow underwear.