Puerto Vallarta is Mexico’s premier gay tourist destination. The following listings are websites and publications that may be useful in fully enjoying this city.
GAY PV and FRIENDS Magazine : A Puerto Vallarta gay magazine and travel directory. This free publication has the largest individual print run with the widest local and international distribution of any gay publication in Mexico. Each bilingual, themed edition is unique with interesting articles, beautiful photo spreads, fun ideas, things to do, helpful resources and special promotions for both tourists and locals. Available at more than 100 locations in the Puerto Vallarta region, at all major Mexican airports, or at GLBT travel agents across Canada and the United States.
WEBSITE: http://www.gaypv.com/
READ ONLINE: http://www.issuu.com/gaypv
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/gaypv
GAY GUIDE VALLARTA CALENDAR: An excellent event and social calendar that is kept current. Discounts, happy hours, almost everything that is happening in Vallarta in the Gay Scene is covered.
CALENDAR: http://www.gayguidevallarta.com/pdf
GAY GUIDE VALLARTA: A true directory (not a booking or travel agency) of Gay activities, events and lodging in Puerto Vallarta. Any booking is made directly with the business offering it. Good, solid, detailed information. Publishers of the Gay Guide Map and Book. These publications are distributed free-of-charge in all gay and gay-friendly hotels, bars, and restaurants in Puerto Vallarta.
WEBSITE: http://www.gayguidevallarta.com/
ONLINE MAP: http://www.gayguidevallarta.com/GayPVMap/
PUERTO VALLARTA GAY TRAVEL GUIDE: A Puerto Vallarta Gay Travel, Activities and Accommodation Guide that’s quite nicely done and very complete. More of a resource reference website than an events calendar.
WEBSITE: http://www.discoveryvallarta.com/guide.html
EMAIL: michaelmayo72@prodigy.net.mx
PHONE: 011-52-322-222-6918
FAX: 011-52-322-225-6665 (public fax)