A special Summer Solstice Vallarta Art Walk will be presented for Vallarta residents and the occasional summer tourista on Wednesday, June 20, from 7 to 10pm.
Normally the Art Walk season ends with March, but this is a noteworthy exception to the rule.
The Association of local galleries that participate in the Art Walk has confirmed that during the next summer season, the following galleries will remain open and in operation with their regular schedules during the months of June, July and August. Córsica, Beatriz Narváez, Omar Alonso and Des Artistes, Arte Latinoamericano, Pacífico, UNO, The Loft, Corona, De Ollas, Sergio Bustamante, Vallarta and 8 y Más.
In celebration of the Summer Solstice, the Art Walk Association is presenting an exhibition of the best artists from each of the above galeries.
Refreshments will be served at the various galleries.