the Puerto Vallarta DAILY CALENDAR
December 4 to 12, 2011
Updated December 7, 10 am
The Puerto Vallarta Daily Schedule of Events is continually updated. Last-minute additions and corrections are frequent. Click on most listings for more information about individual events.
The city is alive.
SUNDAY December 4
- PEREGRINACIONES — Religious processions to the Church of Guadalupe in Centro. Usually in the evenings but traffic downtown may be traffic difficult at any time.
- LA CRUZ FARMERS MARKET — 10 am to 2 pm. In the La Cruz Marina.
- CONCERT — Municipal Band, 7 pm, Presidencia Square, FREE
- PUBLIC DANCE — the Sunday Evening Dance, 7 pm, traditional dancing to live music in the Presidencia Square, FREE
- LIVE THEATER — The Foreigner, 8 pm at the Boutique Theater, M. Dieguez 321, Zona Romantica. 200 pesos.
- THE MALECÓN — When the sun goes down, the Malecón comes alive. Come out and see and stroll the new Malecon!
MONDAY December 5
TUESDAY December 6
- PEREGRINACIONES — Religious processions to the Church of Guadalupe in Centro. Usually in the evenings but traffic downtown may be traffic difficult at any time.
- MALECON SCULPTURE TOUR — 9:30 am. Walk along the Malecon with Gary Thompson leading an intriguing guided tour of the Sculptures. Meet at the Millennium Sculpture by the Hotel Rosita. Free.
- PEACE HOME TOUR — A 3 hour tour of 4 unique Vallarta homes. Meet at 10:30 am at Plaza Romy at I. Vallarta #228. $35(US).
- CHARITY BINGO — 6:30 to 9:30 pm at Nacho Daddy, 180 Basilio Badillo. Benefits Discapacitados Visuales de la Bahia.
- DEMOCRATS ABROAD TUESDAY MOVIE — 7 pm. The Visitor on a giant projector screen at the Paradise Community Center, 127 Pulpito. Food and Drinks available. 60 pesos.
- LOS FRIXOLEROS — 7 – 8 pm, Jarochos Música, at Los Arcos. Free.
- COOKING DEMONSTRATION BY CAFE DES ARTISTS — 7 – 9 pm near Los Arcos on the Malecon. Free.
WEDNESDAY December 7
- PEREGRINACIONES — Religious processions to the Church of Guadalupe in Centro. Usually in the evenings but traffic downtown may be traffic difficult at any time.
- US CONSULAR AGENT ACCESS — 9 to 11 am at the IFC, Edificio Parian del Puente #13, Calle Libertad Corner Miramar, Colonia El Centro. Kelly Trainor, the US Consular Agent will provide information and passport assistance. Free.
- IFC HOME TOURS — Tour 4 local fine homes. Meet at 10:30 am at 242 Aquiles Serdan. Donation is 450 pesos (benefits IFC charity programs). Reservations suggested. 322-221-5681
- ART WALK — 6 to 10 pm. Open house at 9 Centro Vallarta Art Galleries. Complimentary cocktails. Free.
- ARTISAN’S MARKET AND INTERNATIONAL FOOD COURT — 6 to 9 pm, at the Paradise Community Center, 127 Pulpito, Old Town. Food, Entertainment and Crafts.
THURSDAY December 8
- PEREGRINACIONES — Religious processions to the Church of Guadalupe in Centro. Usually in the evenings but traffic downtown may be traffic difficult at any time.
- IFC HOME TOURS — Tour 4 local fine homes. Meet at 10:30 am at 242 Aquiles Serdan. Donation is 450 pesos (benefits IFC charity programs). Reservations suggested. 322-221-5681
- CONCERT — Municipal Band, 7 pm, Presidencia Square, FREE
- READERS THEATER — 7 pm 9 Fearless Women in Mexican History at the Paradise Community Center, 127 Pulpito, Colonia Emiliano Zapata. 200 pesos. Dinner and drinks also available starting at 6 pm.
- BANDA COMBANCH — 8 pm at Los Arcos on the Malecon. Live Banda music for dancing. Free.
FRIDAY December 9
- PEREGRINACIONES — Religious processions to the Church of Guadalupe in Centro. Usually in the evenings but traffic downtown may be traffic difficult at any time.
- VALLARTASCENE FRIDAY FIESTA — 5 to 9 pm happy hour at Casa Isabel. Everyone invited to a casual, inexpensive, social evening with the best affordable view in Puerto Vallarta.
- BRIGITTE’S COUSART FASHION SHOW — 5:30 pm at Coco Tropical on Los Muertos Beach. Happy hour from 5 to 6:30 pm. No cover. 322-190-7728 or cousartbri @
- READERS THEATER — 7 pm 9 Fearless Women in Mexican History at the Paradise Community Center, 127 Pulpito, Colonia Emiliano Zapata. 200 pesos. Dinner and drinks also available starting at 6 pm.
- NOCHE DE PELÍCULA — ??, 7:30 pm, SETAC, Constitucion 427, Southside Vallarta. English w/Spanish Subs. 20 pesos
- PEREGRINACION AND FESTIVAL OF CLOWNS — Begins at 7 pm in Park Hidalgo. Peregrinacion from 7 to 7:30. Clown mass 7:30 to 8 pm, Show on Malecon at 8 pm. Free. Send in the Clowns…
- GRUPO FOLCLORICO MUNICIPAL XUITLA — 7:30 pm in Cardenas Park. Free.
SATURDAY December 10
- PEREGRINACIONES — Religious processions to the Church of Guadalupe in Centro. Usually in the evenings but traffic downtown may be traffic difficult at any time.
- OLD TOWN FARMERS MARKET — 9:30 am to 1 pm at El Jardin de Ninos Emiliano Zapata school, located on the west side of Pino Suarez between V. Carranza and B. Badillio
- FARMERS MARKET CO-OP — At the Paradise Community Center on Pulpito in Old Town. 10 am to 2 pm.
- DOGS & CATS — SPCA Pet Adoptions, Los Mangos Library, 10 am to 2 pm.
- LITERARY — Vallarta Writers’ Group Meeting, 10:30 am, Los Mangos Biblioteca.
- READERS THEATER — 7 pm 9 Fearless Women in Mexican History at the Paradise Community Center, 127 Pulpito, Colonia Emiliano Zapata. 200 pesos. Dinner and drinks also available starting at 6 pm.
SUNDAY December 11
- PEREGRINACIONES — Religious processions to the Church of Guadalupe in Centro. Usually in the evenings but traffic downtown may be traffic difficult at any time.
- LA CRUZ FARMERS MARKET — 10 am to 2 pm. In the La Cruz Marina.
- A CLASSIC CHRISTMAS CONCERT — Orquesta Esquela de Puerto Vallarta. Noon at Teatro Vallarta. 120 pesos adults/50 pesos children and elderly.
- CONCERT — Municipal Band, 7 pm, Presidencia Square, FREE
- PUBLIC DANCE — the Sunday Evening Dance, 7 pm, traditional dancing to live music in the Presidencia Square, FREE
- THE MALECÓN — When the sun goes down, the Malecón comes alive. Come out and see and stroll the new Malecon!
MONDAY December 12
- “BIRTHDAY” OF PUERTO VALLARTA — In 1851, don Guadalupe Sánchez Torres founded Puerto Vallarta and settled with his family and friends along the Cuale River. There is usually some type of minor observance at city hall.
- PEREGRINACIONES — Religious processions to the Church of Guadalupe in Centro. Usually in the evenings but traffic downtown may be traffic difficult at any time. The celebrations go on well past midnight with fireworks and music. FINAL DAY
If you have an event that you would like to see listed here, please email events (at) The Listings are Free.