Got an itch for some real farmers market food to take home while you are waiting for November 5 for the big Vallarta Farmers Market to begin its 2011-2012 season? Try the sidewalk outside of the Tratorria Michel Restaurant on the corner of Rodolfo Gómez and Olas Altas where you will find some of the favorite regular farmers market vendors: Mark’s Leek and Thistle Pies, lorraine’s Artisan bakery , Bickle’s pickles , Narrissa with Thai spring rolls and maybe dips plus a few others…
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Michel Pascal Ferrari owns Tratorria Michel and he is also, coincidentally, one of the founding members of the Puerto Vallarta Farmers Market. As he says, “The Market may be closed but the people are still here. Pies are still being made, bread still baked, exotic tropical fruit is still ripening, and the residents of Vallarta still have a hunger for quality.”
In the space outside of his restaurant where normally there would be found dining tables, there are now, on Saturday mornings from 10 am to 2 pm, displays assorted other gourmet treats and delights.
Michel has opened his restaurant terrace on Saturday mornings for anyone with a quality food product to display and sell. No, you won’t find crafts or art work at this mini-market. Vendors are limited to selling traditional mercado food-based items, from fresh vegetables and fruits to gourmet prepared foods. There is no fee or commission for selling at this mercado. Quality and availability are the intent.
It is true that most of the items at this mercado can be purchased from the individual vendors in their shops or in other larger stores, but nothing quite beats purchasing food directly from the producer, both from the standpoints of freshness and from personal service.
For information about reserving a spot at this mini-mercado, please call email
- Trattoria Michel (
- Leek and Thistle Pie Company (
- Artisan Bakery (
by Rick Hepting