Old Town Farmers’ Market open in Puerto Vallarta every Saturday, from November to the end of July.
Select from agricultural, horticultural, artisanal foods and crafts.
by Charlotte Semple
All of the great cities of the world have a celebrated Farmers’ Market where locals and tourists can find the freshest of vegetables, hand-crafted artisanal foods and handicrafts: London has Covent Garden, Seattle has Pike Place Market, Vancouver has Granville Island, New Orleans has the French Market and now, Puerto Vallarta, has the Old Town Farmers’ Market.
From the first Saturday in November to the last Saturday of July, from 10 am to 1 pm, the new Paradise Community Center located at Pulpito #127 (across from Coco’s Restaurant) comes alive with the sites and smells of a good old-fashioned Farmers’ Market.
Only the freshest and finest fruits and vegetables, herbs and plants, preserves, coffee, organic products, baked goods (including diabetic and gluten free) and crafts will be available for sale.
Come browse the colorful tables showcasing unique homemade products all fresh from the oven or field. Just imagine the rich aromas from the lavish displays: warm baked goods, tangy fruit, freshly roasted coffees and fragrant herbs. Now you can experience this blend of fresh shopping and entertainment every Saturday in Old Town Puerto Vallarta.
If you have a product that you would like to sell and are interested in becoming a vendor, please e-mail oldtownfm@hotmail.com. Please include your contact information and details about your product.
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