The 3rd Vallarta Verde Eco-Fiesta, a fiesta of music, education, culture and art with the aim of identifying ecological problems and bringing them to the attention of city officials, is set for March 13th at La Huerta Restaurant in Paso Ancho. There is no admission fee; the fiesta will begin at noon and last till midnight.
The event will feature more than a dozen well known local musical groups as it did last year to keep things jumping at the attractive outdoor location along the Rio Cuale. The event is a fiesta of music, education, culture and art with the aim of identifying ecological problems and bringing them to the attention of city government along with recommendations for remedies.
Vallarta Verde 2010 (Proposed) Schedule of Events
12:00 pm: Welcome / Presentation of Groups
12:15 pm: Joe King Carrasco
1:00 pm: Vallarta Verde
1:10 pm: Paco Barajas
2:00 pm: Grupo Ecologico de Puerto Vallarta
2:10 pm: Ameyali
2:30 pm: Grupo Ecologico Raffle
2:40 pm: The Texas Embassy Band
3:25 pm: Grupo Ecologico Presentation
3:35 pm: Declamación Sobre el Agua
3:45 pm: Los Frixoleros
4:35 pm: Grupo Ecologico Presentation
4:45 pm: Benediktron
5:30 pm: Teatro Guiñol de Nuestra Tierra
6:00 pm: Duo Faz
6:45 pm: Teatro Guiñol del Grupo Ecologico
7:05 pm: Vallarta Verde Raffle
7:15 pm: Azul
8:00 pm: Vallarta Verde Raffle
8:15 pm: Katmandu
9:00 pm: Vallarta Verde Auction Closes
9:15 pm: The Brezze Big Band
10:00 pm: Vallarta Verde Raffle
10:15 pm: Los Bambinos
11:00 pm: Los Chuyz
For more information or to offer assistance during the festivities, please contact Nancy Gomez at vallarta_verde08(at) or Barbara Sands at (322) 222-6242 or barbsands007(at)