8 pm, May 1, 2009
OK, I’ll be the first to admit it, the swine flu “pandemic” was a bust. Just when you thought something exciting was going to happen and the commercial media was all wound up and the hysterics were coming out of the woodwork like our seasonal termites; NADA.
So few cases, so few deaths from this disease that it wouldn’t even register statistically on any type of Richter Scale for communicable diseases. The casualties were far below expectations, desires or fears, much lower, even, than what would be expected from any “normal” flu in an off season. Insignificant.
Sure, millions of dollars were lost to local economies (translation: the people of Mexico). Sure, the reputation of Mexico as a tourist destination is dirt for the next year or two. Sure, lots of people revealed how easily manipulated they are and how basically ignorant they are when it comes to fear mongering. They won’t be invited to parties anymore.
But we’ve seen all of this before with SARS, bird flu, Y2K, etc. Chalk the 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic up to just another episode in the stupidity and gullibility of modern mankind.
Oh, well, it was good while it lasted, but adios, swine flu. See you (in your new incarnation) next time around. We’ll all be waiting, anticipating, the next big fear extravaganza.
– Rick Hepting