First Annual Festival of Typical Cooking and Family Recipes of Puerto Vallarta.
Enry to the event is FREE. There is a charge to eat.
Lazaro Cardenes Park on Sunday, June 29 from 10am – 6pm.
There will be native dancers, mariachi, and possibly even a children’s mariachi band!
There will be a cookbooks available for sale in English, Spanish, and French, a raffle for some great prizes, and a judging event for the participants’ recipes.
People will be able to purchase food tickets to try samples of the dishes that are prepared. The participants are all native born from this area and have submitted original family recipes using ingredients native to this area. They have all cooked their dishes at the test kitchen at Cecati 63 Hotel and Hospitality school in front of Certified Master Chef Caliz. Their recipes are being made into a book available for sale at the festival.
There are a lot of pictures of the participants on Chef Caliz’ face book page: I have people asking me all the time where they can try traditional Mexican food… well, here is the chance! These are real, family recipes from people native to the area. Many of the participants are grandmas who really cook with love and passion. It should be an amazing event and hopefully the first annual with many years to come…