Puerto Vallarta will host the 1st Annual Lesbian Artists Festival
November 6th – 9th – 4 days and 3 nights of Arts and Tours
When we extend our wings, love gets up in flight and we raise up to the top of the fullness. – We are a group of lesbian women interested in creating a professional arts and tourism-existence in Mexico.
As Puerto Vallarta’s gay and lesbian community grows, so do the events! Each year, more gays and lesbians are moving to Vallarta and more and more come to visit.
Les Alebrijes is an adventure that aims to grow, go beyond the mythical ideas of groups to raise gay and lesbian foster a society that has a great capacity to embrace and contain many communities.
We are convinced that our strength can generate radical changes to society and put lesbian in an important place in the economy of Mexico.
We invite you to participate in this effort by taking advantage of the spaces that we have to promote your talent, your art and your strength. Here you can exhibit your paintings, drawings, records, music, books and anything else that represents your vocation and your work.
All are welcome to learn the art and buy the product of talent lesbian. This will allow them to be financially supported and that we can strengthen our businesses to drive.
For those who are not artists but do art with their businesses, also invited to participate in the directory business that we are about to open. This effort aims to generate synergy lesbian promote the growth of our businesses.
Interest participants should Send data from your business, arts, products or services to esalebrijes@lesalebrijes.com
A LIMITED number of rooms have been secured at BUENAVENTURA GRAND HOTEL. To check room availability and request a reservation, email: reservaciones (at) lesalebrijes.com.
- Contact Information: Adriana Thomas or Gabriela Ortiz
- Calle: Miguel Ángel de Quevedo 962 Stree Col. Parque San Andrés Coyocán. México DF 04040
- Tels: 56 89 99 78, 53417503
- Cels 5527 370370, 5539 550149
- WEBSITE: http://www.lesalebrijes.com/
- EMAIL: lesalebrijes (at) lesalebrijes.com