V.E.S. Free Health Fair at Remance Clinic
by Paco Arjona – vallartaenfrentasida.org
From 9 am to 2 pm on Friday, April 4th, the Remance Clinic, located at calle Rivera del Río #200 in Puerto Vallarta, is offering free medical testing and counseling for a broad range of medical conditions.
On Friday, April 4th, Vallarta Enfrenta el SIDA, A.C. (Vallarta Confronts AIDS), together with Centro Ambulatorio para la Prevención y Atención de SIDA e Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual (CAPASITS), Remance Clinic, Secretaría de Salud Jalisco and COMUSIDA, will present a Health Fair in the Remance Clinic, located at calle Rivera del Río #200, Col. Remance.
Beginning at 9 am, and until 2 pm, there will be experts in HIV/AIDS, and also health professionals in the area of general health. We invite the public to join us for this important event, where counseling and testing will be available for a broad range of medical conditions, including diabetes detection, blood pressure testing, obesity and nutrition, health for older persons, child vaccinations, prevention of dengue, and of course, HIV rapid testing and counseling.
All services are completely free and confidential.
For more information about HIV, testing, counseling, and risk reduction, please visit VallartaEnfrentaSida.org or call our offices at (322) 223-0535.