There are 6 motels (los hoteles de paso) in Puerto Vallarta in the category of lodging where rooms are rented by the hour rather than by the day or week. With more than 18,000 hotel rooms in this city, only approximately 200 are available for part-time occupation, being classified by the Puerto Vallarta Hotel Association as non family or “no familiar.”
- Motel Dunas
- Motel Los Angeles
- El Parasol
- El Gran Sol
- Marina Del Sol
- El Ranchito
There are also four 3-star hotels that rent by the hour.
- Cactus In
- Vista PanorĂ¡mica
- Sea Life Park
- Coral en Lo de Marcos
Rooms in these motels are technically rented for a period of 8 hours, but managers agree that it is rare for a room to be used for that period of time. Because of this fact, reservations are not possible at these lodgings. And, contrary to the popular conceptions of a “high” and “low” season for room rentals here in Vallarta, there is no “low” season or even time of week or day for these places. Rates for the 8 hours range from 250 pesos for a regular room to 500 pesos for a room with a jacuzzi. Average room rates are about 300-350 pesos.
According to a prominent sexologist, the popularity of these motels is caused by a society repressive of sex. In this regard, Puerto Vallarta “has a fine future,” given the conservative characteristics, bias and double standards expressed in the whole of Mexican society and especially in Jalisco and by the Vallartense.
There is a wide-spread rumor that motels of this nature have hidden cameras to monitor the activities and people using the facilities but this rumor is discounted quickly by the frank statement of one owner that they would likely be filming powerful business owners or politicians too frequently and that would be extremely dangerous.
The original version of this story appeared in Vallarta Vive and was researched and written by Osvaldo Ramirez Granados. It has been translated, revised and edited by Rick Hepting