One of the little known secrets in the area (known only by local surfers), the waves around here in various areas, are top-notch for surfing.
If you are looking for some fun in the sun, attend this exciting surfing tournament in Playa Peñitas! Whether you are a surfer or a “watcher”, these tournaments are exciting, action-packed and well attended by the local surfing communities. The Mexican Association of Surfing is a small, but fast-growing association bringing surfing tourism to the Banderas Bay and local surrounding areas.
Not only does this bring recognition to the amazing beaches of the area, it stimulates the economy in some of the very small beach towns.
This tournament will be covered by Televisa Channel 4 from Guadalajara, featuring it on their show “Espiritu Viajero” (
For information in English, contact Lic. Rolo Romero. Email pvrolomx (at) Cell 044 322 111 0294.
There’s nothing there except for great surf and a beautiful beach and a few empty palapas. We all camp out. Food is provided vendors from Tomatlan or Campo Acosta and/or an improvised sea food tent on the site…
–this sounds like a great time
VIDEO – 1st Peñitas Surfing Tournament in June, 2009: