All Women! Mark Your Calendars!
Come Out in Red on 15 February to celebrate our Day of Appreciation for Women’s Hearts in Vallarta.
Wear a red dress, blouse or shirt to demonstrate that you love women and the health of their hearts. Hear Dr. Leslie Swindle, a leading local Mexican cardiologist, Len of blu by Len, Larry Sheldon, proponent of thought control to change your life, and Gailanne Grosso, creative director of the Go Red campaign of the American Heart Association.
This event will be held on Friday, 15 February, at 1:00 p.m., in front of blu by Len, Olas Altas 513. As Len, owner of the salon who is coordinating the event says, “Come and turn blu Red.”
Put on your red dress, red slacks, red blouse, red earrings and gather together to fight women’s heart disease. A fabulous photo will be taken from the roof of Salon blu of the mass of red in front of the salon on this Friday after Valentine’s Day.
Special Speakers:
- Dra. Leslie Swindle – Cardiologist
- Len from Salon blu
- Larry Sheldon
- Gailanne Grasso – American Heart Association United States
Please contact Pamela Thompson for further information:
22 29638
044 322 107 7007
pamela (at)