To the rest of the world, swine flu is now back page news, or no news at all. Medical spokesmen have come to the conclusion that this flu wasn’t really that big of a deal and its “pandemic” even less. All throughout this “pandemic” the United Nations World Health Organization, who’s “pandemic index” number was probably more quoted than the date, has said that no special actions were necessary or recommended for this flu. NO travel restrictions were ever suggested.
Yet Puerto Vallarta is under a virtual sea, land and air blockade and a self-imposed 2 week economic boycott. Children are forbidden to attend school. Businesses are closed down, driving thousands of people into poverty here when public health concern would suggest that strengthening individual health is a more beneficial disease preventative. Crime will increase as people slip farther into poverty. We’ve all seen the hysteria and its effects. Where is the logic?
What’s going on? This is no longer a public health issue.
The theories abound as to why this is going on. Some people say it has to do with the current political race, one party trying to make the other look bad, some say it has to do with cartels “getting back” at the government for recent crackdowns. Some say it has to do with an economic ripoff, the same way that the chupacabre scare in the mid 90s paved the way for the government here to start “regularizing” the ejido land away from the Indians. Some people say it has to do with unloading expired Tamiflu stocks. Some say this is economic warfare waged by the US against Mexico. Some say it is simple racism.
Very few people say that the efforts taken by the government and the media have anything to do with promoting and protecting public health.
– Rick Hepting, PVScene