Mexico Health Secretary Jose Cordova announced Monday, May 4, that the five-day National Emergency closure of nonessential businesses to curtail the spread of the new virus ended Wednesday, May 6.
Puerto Vallarta Clubs and Bars and all other businesses that were affected by the emergency flu restrictions legally reopen Thursday, May 7, 12:01 am.
Now we go back to “normal,” whatever that is.
With economic depression NOTB and the media hysteria about the flu, it will be a slow summer, no doubt. What I would caution against here is a similar hysteria applied to the “future” of Vallarta.
To my neighbors who were born and raised here, this flu episode is just another of a long series of mishaps. Part of the culture here holds that things “happen” and they are not “caused” or at least, the “cause” isn’t knowable. Maybe these neighbors are just ignorant of commercial reality or maybe they have seen it all before and know what to expect. I can’t judge but I can learn from their attitude. The flu happened and it’s time to get back to “work.”
There are no tourists here. To say that state will continue is feeding into the same type of hysteria that caused them to go away. Already I’ve heard that one airline that had cut services has had to add services. If hotels or restaurants close because there is no business, this is good and prudent. Many tourist-related businesses close at this time of the year, anyhow. I’d rather see a business close for the summer than run at a loss.
Mexico is a land of extreme changes. If you like this state, hang on for the ride.