Wise Women of Vallarta Reunite
by Pamela Thompson
Wise Women of Vallarta are back in the swing of things for the high season! For our first speaker we welcome Dr. Linda Abbott Trapp, who will speak in the Hospital Cornerstone meeting room on Wednesday, October 17, 2007 from 10 am to 12 noon.
Suppose you had just one chance to tell those you love what you have learned in this life. What would you say? What could you tell them about how to find love, fulfillment, joy, contentment – and how to avoid the worst of life – pain, frustration, jealousy, feelings of worthlessness?
Come and hear one woman’s answers to these questions, and take home a plan for finding, and sharing, your own answers. Dr. Linda Abbott Trapp will share from her prize-winning book, Letters to My Granddaughters, and from her work-in-progress, Intentional Living: Lessons from the Tree of Life.
Come, laugh, learn, and celebrate those you love, and your legacy to them!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
10 am – 12 noon (we begin promptly at 10)
Hospital Cornerstone Meeting Room, 2nd floor
Please enter through the Main Entrance, and go up the stairs.
There is no charge. But we request, if possible, that you bring one of the following items for the Street Boys Home:
• Boxers Size 28-34
• Deodorant
• Face cloths
• Toothpaste
• Pencil Cases
We have some wonderful and inspiring speakers planned for the high season, and we are excited to kick off the speakers program with Linda! If you plan to attend please RSVP via email to pmt15@hotmail.com. We hope to see you there – and don’t forget to bring your girlfriends!
For more information, please contact Pamela Thompson at (322) 222-9638, 044-322-107-7007, Nextel 145-6912 or send an email to pmt15@hotmail.com.