The 2011 Vallarta Verde Concert will be held on Sunday, april 3rd. from noon to 10 pm at La Huerta restaurant in Paso Ancho. 20 pesos admission.
- 12:00 Energia Solar
- 13:00 Teatro guiñol Gpo. Ecologico Puerto Vallarta
- 13:30 Colegio Ameyali (grupo coral)
- 14:00 Teatro Guñol Nuestra Tierra
- 2:30 Colegio Nueva Galicia Gpo. Juvenil de danza Folcklorica
- 2:45 Declamacion sobre el agua
- 15:00 Frixoleros
- 16;00 Beverly & Willow
- 17.00 Querreque
- 18:00 Bambinos
- 19:00 Azul
- 20:00 Texas Embassy Blues Band
- 21:00 The Baddies
- 22.00 Joe King Carrasco
This concert includes the best musical groups from around the bay for an all-day concert of a variety of musical styles. Along with the music, there will be art by Vallarta students with an ecological theme, information booths about ecology, recycling, planting of trees, beach and river clean up and ways to keep our area and the planet green. There will be food and drink vendors and even a place to discard used batteries and electronic equipment.
The Vallarta Verde organization works with schools around the bay to promote ecology among the future citizens of our area.
Transportation to la Huerta from the Cardenas Bridge will be provided by Canopy Tours.
There is no admission charge for the concert. Come and help keep Vallarta green.